5. Creating HTML Forms



A FORM tag in a HTML page may contain such controls as Text, Text Area, Check Box, Radio button, Multiple Selection, Submit Command Button, and Reset button that allows a Web page to gather information from users and send them back to Web server.


5.1 Form Tags and Attributes


You will need to use the following syntax for creating a form. All controls must appear between two FORM tags. The FORM tag syntax is as shown below:


<form Name= name ACTION =action METHOD =method>





Begin Tag         End Tag          Meaning


<form>      </form>     Indicates a form

                        Attributes; ACTION, METHOD, ENCTYPE, TARGET,






5.2 Input Tags and Attributes



Begin Tag         End Tag          Meaning


<input>                 Define an input element such as TEXT field,

                        radio button, check box, and pass word field

                        for a form.


                        Attributes: TYPE, NAME, VALUE, ALIGN, CHECKED,





Input Types  and Variables


Text Box for Input

<input TYPE="text" NAME="lastname">


Submit and Reset Buttons

<input TYPE="SUBMIT">

<input TYPE="RESET">


Text Control

The text control is a box that the users can enter a single line of text such as name, address, and so on.

<input type= text name= "TextName" value = "DisplayInBox">


CheckBox Control

ChekBox control is similar to check box in Visual Basic, a little square with an option checkmark. It is used to present a list of options, which the users can select more than one. The control's value can be 0 or 1; for example, checked (1) or cleared (0).

 <input type = checkbox name = "check1">FirstBox



Control RadioButton controls are used to present lists of options, similar to the CheckBox control, but it allows one of them can be selected.

<input type = radio name ="level">Beginner<br>

<input type = radio name ="level" checked>Intermediate<br>

<input type = radio name ="level">Advanced<br>


Command Button

A command button can perform only two actions in the browser (Submit and Reset) without Script (VBScript, JavaScript, or PerlScript). The Submit command is to submit the entered data on the controls to the server. The Reset command is to reset all control values on the Form to their original values.

<input type = submit value = "Send Data">

<input type = reset value = "Reset Value">


5.3 Text Area Tags and Attributes

The TextArea control is similar to the Text control, but it allows the entry of multiple lines of text. The TextArea control can also defined with row and column.  


Begin Tag         End Tag          Meaning


<textarea> </textarea> Create a multi-line text entry area.

                        Attributes: NAME, ROWS, COLS, WRAP, ONSELECT,

                        ONCHANGE, ONFOCUS, ONBLUR, ONKEYDOWN,



                        <textarea NAME=".." ROWS=xxx, COLS=yyy>




5.4 Select and Option Tags and Attributes



Begin Tag         End Tag          Meaning


<select>    </select>   Create a combo box or a list box to let user

select among many multiple predefined options.




<option>    </option>   Attributes: VALUE, SELECTED







Example 5-1: The following example "FormLab.htm" will help you to understand the form basics.








Example 5-2: A user feedback form example.



<!-- form1.html -->


<TITLE>ECET/ EET 499 - Forms</TITLE>






<P>Please fill out this form to help us improve our site.</P>


<!--The code below is a method that calls cgi program or server program (ASP, perl...) in Server side when the users -->

<!-- click the Send button below-->

<!--Cgi program or server program then generates the output from the server and send the result back the client-->

<!-- This example will not work in this lab -->

<!-- Initial Form tag is needed -->

<form METHOD = "POST" ACTION = "/cgi-bin/formmail">


<!--A text box named "name"; it is like a text box name in Visual Basic Programming language -->

<!--Whenever the users type in the text box, the string (value) will equal to "name" -->

<!--like a variable in Programming; for example, name = " string" if the users type string in the text box. -->

<!-- When the users click the Send button, the client will send name's value to the server. -->

<!--The server will be able to retieve string from "name" and generate the result (as the program set up)-->

<!--Case Sensitive  -->

<!--all tags in the form work the same way such as text box, TextArea, radio, Check, and selection-->

<!--All tags with the send button need to be in the same form tag to work together.-->


<!--Creating text box named "name", and size 25 character -->


<input NAME = "name" TYPE = "text" SIZE = "25"></P>


<!-- Another text box name "comments" (textarea), also have row and column option-->


<textarea NAME = "comments" ROWS = "4" COLS = "36"></textarea>



<!--Another text box name "email"; Type password means when the user type, * will display on screen -->

<P><STRONG>Email Address:</STRONG>

<input NAME = "email" TYPE = "password" SIZE = "25"></P>



<!--Checked box selection like VB; different name will present different value -->

<P><STRONG>Things you liked:</STRONG><BR>

Site design

<input NAME = "thing" TYPE = "checkbox" VALUE = "Design">


<input NAME = "thing1" TYPE = "checkbox" VALUE = "Links">

Ease of use

<input NAME = "thing2" TYPE = "checkbox" VALUE = "Ease">


<input NAME = "thing3" TYPE = "checkbox" VALUE = "Images">

Source code

<input NAME = "thing4" TYPE = "checkbox" VALUE = "Code">



<!-- <input TYPE="radio"> creates a radio button. The     -->

<!-- difference between radio buttons and checkboxes is   -->

<!-- that only one radio button in a group can be selected -->

<!--Only 1 name to present radio's value  -->


<P><STRONG>How did you get to our site?:</STRONG><BR>


Search engine

<input NAME = "how get to site" TYPE = "radio"

   VALUE = "search engine" CHECKED>

Links from another site

<input NAME = "how get to site" TYPE = "radio"

   VALUE = "link">

Deitel.com Web site

<input NAME = "how get to site" TYPE = "radio"

   VALUE = "deitel.com">

Reference in a book

<input NAME = "how get to site" TYPE = "radio"

   VALUE = "book">


<input NAME = "how get to site" TYPE = "radio"

   VALUE = "other">



<!--Like a combox in VB -->

<!-- The <select> tag presents a drop down menu with -->

<!-- choices indicated by the <option> tags          -->

<P><STRONG>Rate our site (1-10):</STRONG>

<select NAME = "rating">

<option SELECTED>Amazing:-)











<option>The Pits:-(



<!--Send button; when the users clik the Sned button, the all values in the form will be sent to the server -->

<input TYPE = "submit" VALUE = "Submit Your Entries">


<!--Reset button, when it is clicked, it will reset all onformation to the defult values-->

<input TYPE = "reset" VALUE = "Clear Your Entries">


</form>     <!-- End of Form tag -->













Add the following lines with appropriate mechanism to receive visitor or user inputs: