5. XML Schema



XML Schema Language


In XML schema, XML document may have two types of contents:

string                                normalizedString                       token

byte                                  unsignedByte                              base64Binary

hexBinary                       integer                                       positiveInteger

negativeInteger           nonNegativeInteger         nonPositiveInteger    int                                               unsignedInt long                         unsignedLong short              unsignedShort decimal                    float                                            double Boolean                   time                                             dateTime duration                   date                                            gMonth

gYear                           gYearMonth                              gDay gMonthDay               Name                                         Qname NCName                   anyURI                                      language


IDREF                               IDERFS                                          ENTITY

ENTITIES                        NOTATION                                    NMTOKEN       



XML Namespace



Web Site References


XML Schema http://www.w3.org/XML/Schema

XML Technologies Tutorial Presentations