ECET 102/CPET 101 Electrical Circuits

Spring 2012

Paul I-Hai Lin, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne

Lectures/Assignments/Class Activities

Topics of Discussion

* Introduction to the course and policies
Lecture Note 1:
* Chapter 1. Introduction
**** The Electrical/Electronics Industry
**** A Brief History
**** Units of Measurement

**** Systems of units

* Lab 1 Test Equipment and Safety
* Lab equipment demo (power supply, DMM)

2 1/11 Lecture on Ch 1, using text book material projected on Elmo projector Hw 1 assigned, due 1/23
3 1/18 Lecture Note 3
Real-world calculation examples, Using MATLAB, Excel Spreadsheet, and Ch 1 calculation examples
4 1/23 Chapter 2 Voltage and Current, Author's PPT lecture note posted in the Blackboard  
5 1/25 Chapter 2. Volatge and Current
**Volatge, Charge, Energy: V = W/Q;
**Curretnt, Charge, Time: I = Q/t;
**Battery Ampere-Hours, Ampere I, and Time; Tempertaure effect
**DC power sources: Battery (primary, secondary, DC generator, AC-DC rectifiers (DC Power supply), Solar Cell
**DC power supply configuration: series adding
** Examples of V = W/Q, I = Q/t, I = Amp-Hour/time
Hw 2 due 1/30

From Lab 2 and on, students are required to submit a lab report for each completed lab.
6 1/30 Chapter 3: Resistance
** Resistance equation R = ρ L/A; 1 mil = 1/1000 in, Circular Mil (CM)
** Wire tables
** Temperature Effects, Temperature Coefficient
** Types of Resistors, Ohm Meter
** Color coded resistor
** Resistance: Metric UNits
Chpater 4: Ohm's Law, Power, and Energy
** _I = E/R
** MATLAB program for plotting Ohm's Law
Hw 3 due 2/8
Lab 3 is posted
7 2/1 Chpater 4: Ohm's Law, Power, and Energy
** I = E/R
** MATLAB program for plotting Ohm's Law (to be posted)
** Examples 4-1, 4-2, and 4-3
Chapter 3: Resistance
** Examples 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3 (discussion using text book)
Exam 1, Feb. 6, Monday
8 2/6 Exam 1 (50 minutes)
Discussion of Lab 4 MATLAB exercies, Ohm's law plot, Series Circuits
9 2/8 Lecture Note: Chapter 4: Power, Energy, Efficiency, Chapter 5. Series Circuit, Hw 4 problem rdiscussion  
10 2/13 Chapter 5 Examples
Electrical fields and battery
Lecture note
11 2/15 MATLAB Mobile demo (iPhone, iPad)
Chapter 5 Series circuit examples from text book
Lecture note
12 2/20 Parappel circuits, Smart meters, Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), transformer (120/240, 25 kVA), Series circuit apps, Bird resistance || wire resistance
** Hands-on demo: Multisim Lab 6 exercise
Lecture note
13 2/22 Chapter 5-10: Voltage regulation and Internal Resistance; Series Circuits Apps:
Chapter 6-13 Applications: Car systems, House wiring; 6-5: Kirchhoff's Current Law; 6-3: Paralle Circuits
Lecture note
14 2/27 Chapter 6: Current Divider Rule, Exaample 6-21,Revisit (Rb || RL) problem, DMM Ammeter Shunt Deisgn, Voltage sources in Parallel, Solar Panel Construction Lecture Note
15 2/29 Chapter 6: Groudn wiring voltage drops and effects, Short circuit senerios and examples, voltmeter loading effect, discussion of interesting circuits configurations appear in exercise/probem Lecture note
16 3/12 ** Review of Exam2
** Lab 8 (Theory) - Source Conversion, Superposition Theorem
** Ch 9 Source Conversion, Superposition Theorem
Lecture note
17 3/19 ** Ex8_9, Ex8_10, Branch-Current Method/MATLAB Solutions; Ex8_12 Mesh Analysis/MATLAB Solution
**Ch 7 Series and Parallel Circuits: Ex. 7-1, Ex 7-2
Lecture note
18 3/21  Ch 7 Examples: 7-1, 7-4, 7-6, 7.7, 7-8; brief discussion of Hw7 (chapter 7)
19 3/26  Disucssion of Lab 9, Ch 8: Bridge networks and MATLAB solution ex8_p316.m, Mesh analysis Example 8-18, ex8_18.m; Ch 7. Ladder Circuit Lecture Note
20 3/28 Ch 8 Nodal Analysis: Ex 8-21, MATLAB Solution ex8_21.m, 8-24 Lecture note
21 4/2 **Revisted Superposition theorem and discussed Ex. 9.1, 9.2, 9.4, and 9.5
**Studied Thevenin's Equivalent Circuit, and discussed Ex 9.6, Experimental procedure pp.358-359
**Studied Norton Theorem, and discussed Ex 9.11
** Studied Lab 10
Lecture note
22 4/4 ** Review Exam 3 coverage: Ch 7, 8, and 9
** Discussion of Lab 10 (superposition theorem)
Lecture note
23 4/9 ** Exam 3 Review Lecture note
24 4/11 EXAM 3  
25 4/16 Chapter 10 Capacitor Leture note