Department of Computer, Electrical, and Information Technology


CPET/ECET 491 Senior Design Project II


Student Project Presentations & Demonstration


Project Title and Presentation Time


Friday, May 1, 2015

Room ET 346

Coffee, Soft Drinks, and Refreshments


ECET 491 Senior Design Project Presentations

1.      08:00 - 08:30 AM: ”Wearable Thermal Generator for Battery Free Power Supply,”  Nate Beemer, ECET 491, Echo 360 Recorded Presentation:

2.      09:00 - 09:30 AM: ”Electric Arc Furnace,” David Karn, ECET 491, Echo 360 Recorded Presentation:

3.      10:10 - 10:40 AM: “Automated Tester for Control Transformer,” Myat M. Kyaw, ECET 491, Echo 360 Recorded Presentation,


CPET 491 Senior Design Project Presentations

1.      08:30 - 09:00 AM: “Raspberry Pi Smoke Detector,” Jordan Ehman, CPET 491, Echo 360 Recorded Presentation:

2.      09:30 - 10:00 AM: ”Automated Guitar Tuner,” Adam Flagg, CPET 491, Echo 360 Recorded Presentation:

3.      10:40 - 11:10 AM: ”Collision Detection System for a Wheeled Toy Robot,” Zach Green, CPET 491, Echo 360 Recorded Presentation:

4.      11:10 – 11:40 AM: ”Project Timekeeper,” Alex Gust, CPET 491, Echo 360 Recorded Presentation:

5.      12:00 – 12:30 PM: ”Automated Pet Feeder,” Michael Roth, CPET 491, Echo 360 Recorded Presentation:

6.      12:30 – 01:00 PM: ”Camera Surveillance Control System,” Andy Trans, CPET 491, Echo 360 Recorded Presentation:

7.      01:00 – 01:30 PM: ”Arduino Controlled Garden Monitor,” Daniel J. Strawbridge, CPET 491, Echo 360 Recorded Presentation:

8.      01:30 – 02:00 PM: “Android Database Map App,” Allan Burris, CPET 491, Echo 360 Recorded Presentation: