4. Perl Programming Language Basics




4.1 Introduction


As we mentioned earlier, Perl (Practical Extraction Report Language) is an interpreted language primarily used as a tool for performing such functions as manipulate text in files, manipulate files and computer running processes, extract data from files, automat report writing, perform networking tasks, generate dynamic HTML pages, process HTML form data through Perl CGI scripts, and interface to databases.


Perl is a free-form language no declaration needed for variables. Perl supports three types of variables including scalar, array, and associative array. All variable names are case sensitive. In this chapter, we will cover literal constants, variables, escape sequences, Perl expressions and operators, and control structures. Perl for Windows is available from www.activestate.com.



4.2 Terms Used in Perl Programming Language



-         Integer constants:

Octal: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Decimal: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

hexadecimal: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f or (A, B, C, D, E, F)

-         ASCII character constants:

‘a’, ‘A’, ..’ z’, ‘Z’,  ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, …’9’

String constants:

“The Perl programming Language”


Floating-point number constants           

            123.0      0.0      0.1E-6






-         Used to combine primitive expressions into complex expression

-         Arithmetic operators: math computation

-         Logic operations: logic operation and reasoning

-         Relational operator: comparison and reasoning


Variables (Identifiers)

-         A variable is a name which is associated with a value during the execution of a program

-         A variable starts with one of the special symbols ($, @, %) can be a sequence of letters, digits, underscores

-         Three types of variables are

-         Scalar variable: $amount

-         Array variable: @pinNoArray

-         Hash array: %countryCode

-         Perl variables are case sensitive (lower and upper -case letters are treated differently)

-         Perl variables can be defined to have global scope, local within a block scope through local() function, and strict local block scope through my() function



-        A statement

-        Part of a statement

-        Examples:

Test portion of  “if “ statement

$x + $y

$value - $sum /10



·        Used to describe some program actions, execute for its effect

·        Types of Statements

-         Declaration statement

-         Expression statement (arithmetic operations, assignment, function calls)

-         Compound statements (a series of statement to be treated as a single statement)

-         Selection statement (if, else)

-         Iteration statement (while, do, for)




-         In Perl, subroutine is equivalent to a function or procedures in other programming languages. A subroutine provides a convenient way to group some commonly used computation, input and output activities for modularity and reusability.



-         Temporary variables used in the function for holding values or references passed over from a function or subroutine caller.



-         Variables of a function caller for holding temporary values that are to be passed to a subroutine or function.


4.3 Literal Constants



      0x43      -- Hexadecimal number



            If there are two statements in a program:


      $currency = 99;

      print "Amount: $currency";


            It will access values of variable and display:


      Amount: 99



Literal quotes, will not access values of variable. If there are two statements in a program:


      $currency = 99;

      print 'Amount: $currency';


            It will access values of variable and display:


      Amount: $currency


4.4 Escape Sequences

Escape sequences are control characters that can be used in Perl statements for character display manipulation. New line characters are always needed in printing.


\a    Bell or a beep

\b      Backspace

\e    Escape

\f    Form feed

\l    Change the next character into lower case

\L    Change all following characters into lowercase

\u    Change the next character into uppercase

\U    Change all following characters into uppercase

\Q    Quote meta-characters as literals

\E    Terminate the \L, \Q, or \U sequence

\\    To display a back slash

\n    To issue a new line

\r      Carriage return

\t    Tab

\v      Vertical tab

\$    To print a dollar sign

\@    To print an ampersand sign

\0nnn To specify an octal number in byte

\xnn  To specify a hexadecimal number in byte



4.5 Variables


There are three kinds of variables in the Perl:






Scalar Variables


Two scalar variables begins with a dollar sign $ are defined:

$currency   = 100;

$country    = "Taiwan";

$Voltage    = 110;

$Current    = 30;

$HorsePower = 10;

$NumberOfPhase = 3;

$ControlPanels = 20;

$ManulTitle    = "Data Acquisition Card DT330";


Array variables


An array variable starts with the @ sign. It can hold several pieces of data of the same type or different type.  For a regular array, a pair of parentheses ( ) is used to initialized the array and a pair brackets [ ] is used for indexing.


Examples: Array initialization and manipulation


@numArray = ();   # An empty array

@mixedArray = ("Equipment Name", "Cost", 1000.0, 08, 123);

@number1 = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);


·        Using a range of values: Uses two period (..) to replace a consecutive series of values


The array @number1 should hold the same elements as the array @number2:


@number2 = (0 .. 9);


Two character arrays for holding uppercase letter A, B, C, ..Z and lower case letters:


@upchar_array = (A..Z);

@lowchar_array = (a..z);


print "@upchar_array \n";      # print all char in the array

print "@upchar_array[0] \n";      # print the first element

print "@upchar_array[25] \n";      # print the last element


·        Define and initialized name array for holding eight names of  professors:


@professors = ("Lin", "Emery", "Broberg", "Leveghetta", "Hack", "Steffen", "Omiston", "Disher");


The individual element of the array can then be accessed through the following syntax:

print "Professor : $professors[0]\n";       

print "Professor : $professors[1]\n";     

print "Professor : $professors[5]\n";     



Professor: Lin

Professor: Emery

Professor: Steffen


·        Array Merging


@myarray = ("1",  "two", "three", 4);     

# define an array of that holds data of different types

($first_element, $second_element, $third_element, $fourth_element) = @myarray;

      # assign scalar variables with array's content

@newarray = (0, @myarray, 5);

# now we create a new array with five different elements in

# it: ("0", "1", "two", "three", 4, 5)


·        Array Element and Size Calculation

$last_index = $#array; 

# The index of the last element of the array is 3

$array_size = $last_index +1;

# The number of element in the array is 4 since array index

# starts at 1

$last = @array($#array);

      # Assign the last element of the array into $last variable


Associative array


An associative array is indicated by adding a percent sign, %, in front of a variable name. A pair of parentheses ( ) is used to initialized the array and a pair braces { } is used for indexing. The array is indexed by strings.




# Define a database for saying different HELLO messages

%web_greeting =


   'com', 'hello',    # US Commercial sites

   'edu', 'hi',       # US educational sites

   'mil', 'Sir',      # US military sites

   'fr',  'Bonjour',  # Franch

   'mx',  'hola',     # Maxico

   'tw',  'NeeHou',  # Taiwan

   'jp',  'KonNiChiWa' #Japan




4.6 Perl Expressions and Operators


Perl language defines a set of operators that is richer than the C programming language. The meaning of operators and examples are listed below.


Special Symbols


#     Starts one line comment

&     Added before a name of subroutine when called

$     Scalar variable

@     Array variable

@_    A system parameter array

" "   For quoting a string with variables

' '   For quoting literal string


Binary Arithmetic Operators


+      Addition operator:      $op = $op1 + $op2; #($op holds 30)

-      Subtraction operator:      $op = $op1 - $op2; #($op holds -10) 

*      Multiplication:         $op = $op1 * $op2; #($op holds 100)

/      Division:               $op = $op1 / $op2; #($op holds 0.5)

%      Remainder or modulus:       $op = $op1 % $op2; #($op holds 10)

**      Exponentiation:         $op = $op1 ** 3;   #($op hold 1000)


Unary Arithmetic Operators

+      Positive operand: +10

-      Negative operand: -10

++      Increment by 1:

$num = 10;

$op = ++$num;       #pre-increment ($op holds 11)

$op = $num++;       #post-increment ($op holds 10)

--      Decrement by 1:  

$num = 10;

$op = --$num;       #pre-increment ($op holds 9)

$op = $num--;       #post-increment ($op holds 10)


Relational Operators


==    Equal to

!=    Not Equal to

<     Less than

>      Greater than

<=    Less than or equal to

>=      Greater than or equal to

<=>   Greater than (return 1); Equal to (return 0); Less than

(return -1)


Logical Operators

&&    AND operator   

||    OR operator   

!     NOT operator   


The Bit-Wise Operators

~     Bit-wise NOT:      $op = ~0x01;       #(result 0xFE or 254)

&     Bit-wise AND:       $op = 0x02 & 0x01; #(result 0x00)

|     Bit-wise OR:      $op = 0x02 | 0x01; #(result 0x03)

^     Bit-wise EXOR:      $op = 0x0F ^ 0xF0; #(result 0xFF or 255)

>>    Shift Right:      Shift right one bit is the same as div by 2

$num = 8; $op = $num >> 2; #($op holds 2)

<<    Shift Left:       Shift left one bit is the same as times 2

$num = 8; $op = $num << 2; #($op holds 32)


Assignment Operators

=      Assignment

+=    Add and assign

-=    Sub and assign

*=      Multiply and assign

/=    Divide and assign

%=      Remainder and assign

**=      Exponentiation and assign

<<=   Shift left and assign

>>=   Shift right and assign

&=    Bit-wise AND and assign

|=    Bit-wise OR and assign

^=    Bit-wise XOR and assign


Relational Operators for String Comparisons

eq    Equal to:               if($op1 eq $op2)

ne    Not Equal to:           if($op1 ne $op2)

lt    Less than:              if("c" lt "b")

le    Less than or equal to:       if("b" le "c"

gt      Greater than:              if("c" gt "b")

ge      Greater than or equal to: if("b" ge "c")

cmp   Greater than (return 1); Equal to (return 0); Less than

(return -1):            if($op1 cmp $op2)


The Ternary Operator

The conditional statement: if -- else in Perl such as



else Exp2;

Can be written with the ternary operator:

(Expession?) Exp1: Exp2;


The Range operator

..    For defining a range of numbers in the array

      @array = (0 .. 9);  # 0, 1, 2, .., 9

      @letters = ("aa" .. "ae"); # aa, ab, ac, ad, ae



The String Operators

.      Concatenation of strings


$newstring = "Amount due " . "=". 30 . "dollars" ;

x      Repetition


      $asciinum = "2";

      $numstr   = $asciinum x 4; # $numstr holds "2222"


Matching Operator

=~    For testing a string or pattern within a single string of words



4.7 Control Structures


To enforce the order of computation, Perl supports a rich set of control structures as described below.


Decision making (if, else, elseif)


if(statement)     # Test the true-false condition of the statement

elseif(statement)      # Placed after the if(statement) to test another

# condition

else(statement)   # Used at the end of if block



Loop Iteration Control


·        For Loop Example:


for($count = 0; $count < 10; $count++)



      print "Count = $count";




·        while Loop Example:


$count = 0;

while($count < 10)



      print "Count = $count";



·        do/while Loop Example:


$count = 0;




      print "Count = $count";

      } while($count < 10);


·        do/until Loop Example:


$count = 0;




      print "Count = $count";

      } until($count > 10);


·        foreach Loop Example

foreach control takes a list of values and assign them on at a time to a scalar variable.





@numArray = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4);

@revArray = ();

print "Numarray before reversing: ";

print "@numArray\n\n";

$i = 0;

foreach $nowNum (reverse @numArray)


      print "$nowNum\n";

        @revArray[$i] = $nowNum;

      $i = $i + 1;


print "Numarray after reversing: @numArray\n\n";

print "New array: @revArray\n\n";




E:\Perl\Exs>perl rev_foreach.pl

Numarray before reversing: 0 1 2 3 4







Numarray after reversing: 0 1 2 3 4


New array: 4 3 2 1 0



until(condition_false)  # if true don't execute the statement block






·        The last Statement

for breaking out the innermost loop block




$count = 0;

$stop = 100;

while($count < 10)



      print "Count = $count";

      if($stop == 0)


            print "Will be stopped\n";






print "All done\n";   # last will come here



·        The next Statement

The next causes execution to skip past the rest of the innermost enclosing block without terminating the block.


$count = 0;

$stop = 100;

while($count < 10)



      print "Count = $count";

      if($stop == 0)


            print "Will be stopped\n";




      # next will come here


print "All done\n";   # last will come here




·        The redo Statement

The redo statement allow program to go back in the loop.



$count = 0;

$stop = 100;

while($count < 10)


      # redo will come here


      print "Count = $count";

      if($stop == 0)


            print "Will be stopped\n";





print "All done\n";   # last will come here