6. Standard and File I/O




6.1 Files


File manipulations include reading, writing, and appending external data files such as saved Email file, password file, log file, web server error report file, and database file.


A password file can be used for access control to protect sensitive information from prying eyes. We can set up several usernames and passwords to direct users to specific areas of a web site based on their authentication.

Perl scripts can be used to access data and document files on disk. It allows a user to read/write text files from the command line and through a web browser interface.

Perl scripts allow articles service automation. That is can be designed to serve articles to a web browser as well as serving news articles based on the time of day.

Perl scripts help automating user comment gathering from users. The web server accepts data from HTML forms through the CGI environmental variables. It can be used to check required fields, display error messages, send results back to the user, and write the results to a log file to keep track of your data. It can also keeps statistics of the number of accesses, operating systems, browser types and number of unique IP addresses that have accessed your site or individual pages.


6.2 Standard Inputs and Outputs


In Perl, three predefined I/O streams associated with terminals:


A file handle is a name for an I/O connection between a running program called process and the outside peripherals. Therefore, file handles for these three standard I/O are called STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR


STDIN file Handle for Reading Keyboard Input


chop () function


chomp() function


read() Function


Example 6-1: User input example.





#      E:\Perl\Exs>perl stdinex.pl

#     Enter your phone number = 4816339

#     Enter Your First Name =Paul

#     Enter Your Last Name =Lin

#     You entered:


#     Paul

#     Lin

#      4816339

print "Enter your phone number = ";

$phonenum = <STDIN>;

print "Enter Your First Name =";

$firstname = <STDIN>;

print "Enter Your Last Name =";

$lastname = <STDIN>;

print "You entered: \n\n";

print $firstname;

print $lastname;

print $phonenum;



Example 6-2: Chopping the new line character for displaying inputs on a single line.






#      E:\Perl\Exs>perl stdinexchop.pl

#     Enter your phone number = 4816339

#     Enter Your First Name =Paul

#     Enter Your Last Name =Lin

#     You entered:


#     Paul    Lin      4816339


print "Enter your phone number = ";

$phonenum = <STDIN>;


print "Enter Your First Name = ";

chop($firstname = <STDIN>);

print "Enter Your Last Name = ";

chomp($lastname = <STDIN>);

print "You entered: \n\n";

print "$firstname \t$lastname\t $phonenum";


6.3 Formatted Output


The  printf() function uses format specifiers in the format string for printing formats references. It defines the data to be printed with appropriate display format on the standard output device (stdout) or monitor screen.  Some basic characteristics of this function are

·        Writes character string and values of variables, formatted, to “stdout”

·        printf (format_control);

·        Format control string supports the following display format:


Format Specifiers

·        %c   -- character

·        %d   -- signed integer, in decimal

·        %o   -- unsigned integer, in octal

·        %u   -- unsigned integer, in decimal

·        %x   -- unsigned integer, in hexadecimal (a-f or A-F)

·        %f   --  floating-point number, in fixed decimal notation(default 6 digits)

·        %e   --  floating-point number, in scientific notation

·        %g   --  floating-point number, in %e or %f form

·        %s   --- string

·        %%   --- for printing a literal % symbol


It is possible to use flags between the % sign and conversion character to modify the printing format.


Flags         Meaning

    -             Left justified printing

 +                     Print either + or - sign

0                      Zero causes 0’s to be used for padding


Width (precision)               Meaning

%10d, %10s                At least 10-char

%.7s                             At most 7-char

%14.8s                        14-char in total, use only 8-char

%-7d                           Left justify, min. field width 7

%8.2f                          Field width 8, precision 2

%05d                          Padding with zeros

%-10.5e                Left justified e format


An example

printf "%20S %4d %8.2f", $name, $pidnum, %amount;




6.4 File Processing Functions


Perl supports a rich set of file I/O functions for reading, writing, appending data to/from disk storage. A file handle is needed for opening a new file, an existing file, etc. A number of functions for file manipulation is listed below:



# Output to standard output (stdout) device


open(FILEANDLE, "file.html");    


# open a file for read, write, or append


open(FILEHANDLE, ">file.html");

# use > to overwrite if file.html exists


open(FILEHANDLE, ">>file.html");

# use >> to append if file.html content exists


open(FILEHANDLE, "| \perl5/sbin\sendmail"); 

# open a process



# close a file or process


opendir(DIR, "directory");

# specify a file folder of directory



# allow the access of every file in the file folder that

# specified by DIR file handle




      # close a directory file handle


Example 6-4: Reading an external Email text file.




# reademail.pl

# Description:

# This program open an email file and print it.

# - EMAIL is a file handler as the open() function call.

# - prop.txt is a saved email file.

# - print function will display text on the STDOUT

#   standard output screen (monitor)

# - close(EMAIL) to return file handler to OS


open (EMAIL, "prop.txt");





close (EMAIL);


OUTPUT: Partial output from monitor screen



The four parts are:

1)  Setting up the Microsoft Advanced Server  platform running IIS to

enable JAVA Servlets to be run.

2)  Creating an HTML page that will call the JAVA servlet

3)  Creating a JAVA servlet

4)  Establishing database connectivity with the servlet to Microsoft

Access database




Example 6-5: Reading a saved Email text file through a browser. This Perl script is saved in the cgi-bin directory. Remote access through a web browser is required to access "reademail_html.pl" program.




# reademail_html.pl

# Description:

# This program open an email file and print it.

# - EMAIL is a file handler as the open() function call.

# - prop.txt is a saved email file.

# - print function will display text on the STDOUT

#   standard output screen (monitor)

# - close(EMAIL) to return file handler to OS


print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

print "<HTML>\n";

print "<HEAD>\n";

print "<TITLE> Read Email </TITLE>\n";

print "</HEAD>\n";

print "<BODY BGCOLOR =\"#FFFFFF\">\n\n";

      open (EMAIL, "prop.txt");





      close (EMAIL);

print "</BODY>\n";

print "</HTML>\n";









6.5 Advanced File Manipulation Examples


Example 6-6: Locking and Unclocking Files


flock(FILEHANDLE, operation);


Where operation can be one of the following:

Name        Operation         Description

lock_sh      1                 Create a shared lock

lock_ex      2                 Create an exclusive lock

lock_nb      4                 Create a non-blocking lock

lock_un      8                 Unlock an existing lock



$lock_sh = 1;      #Create a shared lock

$lock_ex = 2;      #Create an exclusive lock so other can't write to it

$lock_nb = 4;      #Create a non-blocking lock

$lock_un = 8;      #Unlock an existing lock

open(FILE1, ">>file.txt");

flock(FILE1, "$lock_ex");      # lock the file

print "FILE1, "write some other data to the file that you locked";

flock(FILE1, "$lock_un");      # unlock the file


Example 6-7: print out every file and directory in the current directory (.)


opendir(DIR, ".");  # open current directory

foreach $name (readdir(DIR))


      print "$name\n\n";

