CPET 581 E-Commerce & Busienss Technologies


A Specialty Course
Purdue University's M.S. in Technology
Industrial Technology/Manufacturing & IT/Advanced Computer Aplications Tracks


Class Materials/Activities
January 9 (room change to NEFF B42)


EXAM 2 (10% of total grade), April 17, 6:00-7:00 PM, (60 minuutes), close book Exam
** Cover Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, and Ch 8 (8.3 Intellectual Propertiy Rights)
** Types of problems: multiple choice, fill-in blanks, and Q/As

EXAM 1 (10% of total grade), Feb. 21, 2012, 6:00 PM-6:50PM (50 minute), close book exam

** Covers CH 1. CH2, CH 3, and CH 4 (up to the lecture 1 of 2 coverage area), topics discussed in Lecture notes, Homework assignments
**Types of problems include multiple choice, fill-in blanks, and Q/As

Lect. 1: Jan. 10 - Ch 1. The Revolution is Just Beginning; Lecture note posted in IPFW e-Learning Blackboard
Lect. 2: Jan. 17 - Ch 1. plus Facebook IPO, E-Stat, Web Client/Server
Lect. 3. Jan. 24 - IPFW Technology, Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA), Protect IP Act (PIPA), The Pirate Bay Case Study; The Ch. 2 E-Commerce Business Model
Lect. 4. Jan. 31: Part 1 of 2, Ch. 3. E-Commerce Infrastructure: The Internet, Web, and Mobile Platform, Agumented Reality; E-Commerce Analysis and Start-up Business Plan
Lect. 5. Feb. 7: Part 2 of 2, Ch. 3. E-Commerce Infrastructure; TCP/IP Network Management Hands-On Activity; E-Commerce StartUp Business Planning Project: Case Presentation
Lect. 6. Feb. 14: Design and Build E-Commerce Site, 1 of 2
Lect. 7. Feb. 21: Design and Build E-Commerce Site, 2 of 2
8. Feb. 28: Mobile Build E-Commerce Site; Mobile App Demos,
Project Management and Risk Management progress report, Team 4
Lect. 9. Mar. 13: Ecommerce Security and Payment Systems, 1 of 2
Lect. 10. Mar. 20: E-commerce Security and Payment Systems, 2 of 2; E-Commerce Project Report on E-Commerce site Threat Analysis and Payment Design: Team 1
Lect. 11. Mar. 27: E-Commerce Marketing Concepts, Technologies

Lect. 12. April 3: E-Commerce Marketing Communications; Ethical, Social and Political Issues in E-Commerce
Lect. 13. April 10: Online Retail and Services: Industry Sectors and Trends, Strategic Analysis, Financial Analysis, Business Models, E-commerce technoligies

Homework Assignments Hw 11 Read Ch 12. B2B Commerce: Supply Cain Management & Collaborative Commerce
Hw 10 (Individual & Team)- due 4/10, before 5 PM
Hw 9 (Individual & Team)- due 4/3, before 5 PM
Hw 8 (Individual & Team)- due 3/27, before 5 PM
Hw7a (Individual)- due 3/17
Hw7b (Team)
E-Commerce Project: Security Assessment, Paymnet System Design, Risk Revist, due March 21, before 5 PM
Hw6 E-Commerce Project Planning, Risk Management, and Top-Level Web site design, due Feb. 28, before 5 PM
E-Commerce Company Project: Trade-Off Study of Web Site Hosting and Web Site Design, due Feb. 14, before 5 PM
due Feb. 7, before 5 PM (E-Commerce Company Project continue)
due Jan. 31, before 5 PM
due Jan. 24 before 5 PM
due Jan. 17 before 5 PM

Reading Assignments:

Assignment 9: Read Ch 12
Assignment 8: Read Ch 9 and Ch 10
Assignment 7: Read Ch 7 and Ch 8
Assignment 6: Read Ch 6 E-Commerce Marketing Concepts: Social, Mobile, Local
Assignment 5: Read Ch 5 E-Commerce Security and Payment Systems
Assignment 4
: Read Ch 4. Building An E-Commerce Infrastructure: The Internet, Web and Mobile Platform, 1/31 to 2/14
Assignment 3
: Read Ch 3. E-Commerce Infrastructure: The Internet, Web and Mobile Platform, 1/25 to 31
Assignment 2
: Read Ch 2. E-Commerce Business Models and Concepts, 1/18 to 24

Assignment 1: Read Ch 1. The Revolution is Just Beginning, 1/10 to 17

Term Project 

The Team Formation for Hw4 remains the same as Hw 3 (3 students per team, see Hw3 for team member contact info)
April 24 - Draft copy of final project report due; Final project presentation
May 1 - Error free copy  of final project report due; Final project presentation

References IEEE Magazines, Journals, Transactions
MIT Technology review, MIT Solan Management
Wall Street Journals, e-Week, Computer World, etc




Email Paul Lin lin@ipfw.edu

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